Dienstag, 2. August 2011

Huisfeest - 23rd anniversary

On the 23rd of july our house celebrated its 23rd anniversary. A community that's so small and vulnerable could survive and most important grow during the years - truly a wonderful miracle!

I'm still not quite sure how we managed to turn a more or less normal apartment into a place, where around 70 guests fit into.
Nevertheless the preparations were huge. We started 3 days earlier with cooking, baking, organizing enough plates and so on. Our cook was even cooking during the night, but it was so worth it - 300 delicious Russian blini were awaiting our guests (and us, of course ;).

I was mostly busy distributing coffee, tea and cake and being nervous about the upcoming service. It was the first time for me co-organizing a service, taking that much part in carrying it out and playing the guitar in front of people for the first time in two years. As an accompanist, but still. It made me really happy to see how touched some people were and also to be told that my dad - who was on a visit these days - had a proud grin on his face, everytime i was talking.

Further, due to the huge preparations and the start of the children's vacation, the house was completely full with people for almost one week. Everyone enjoyed these days and our party although we all were reeeally tired in the end :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Musst grad voll lachen bei dem Satz über Papa :D
    Hoffe dir gehts gut, deine Schnadd
